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Poliovirus and Poliomyelitis


33. 1950 -- First publication of work with poliovirus
47. 1952 -- First immunizations in monkeys with inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV)
50. 1953 -- First immunizations in humans with IPV
69. 1956 -- Early discussion of persistence of immunity with IPV
83. 1960 -- Discussion of experience related to inactivation of poliovirus
84. 1960 -- Discussion of experience related to persistence of immunity with IPV
90. 1963 -- Discussion of experience related to the herd effect with IPV
97. 1977 -- Renewal of publications related to poliovirus vaccines
99. 1978 -- First immunizations for modern standardization of IPV
115. 1982 -- First description of enhanced potency IPV (eIPV)
120. 1983 -- Proposal for worldwide eradication of poliovirus
122. 1984 -- Vaccinology: Summary of the science of poliovirus vaccines
123. 1984 -- One-dose immunization with eIPV
126. 1984 -- Long term immunity with eIPV
145. 1989 -- Induction of immunologic memory in newborns with eIPV


33. Salk, J. and Youngner, J. S. --- Antibody in yolk of eggs and inserum from hens inoculated with viruses of influenza and poliomyelitis. Fed. Proc. 9(l): 391, 1950.

47. Salk, J., Lewis, L. J., Bennett, B. L., and Youngner, J. S. --- Immunization of monkeys with poliomyelitis viruses grown in cultures of monkey testicular tissue. Fed. Proc. 11(1): 480 (abstract), 1952.

50. Salk, J., Bennett, B. L., Lewis, L. J., Ward, E. N., and Youngner, J. S. --- Studies in human subjects on active immunization against poliomyelitis. 1. A preliminary report of experiments in progress. JAMA 151(13): 1081-98, 1953.

69. Salk, J. --- Requirements for persistent immunity to poliomyelitis. Trans. Assn. Amer. Phys. 69: 105-14, 1956.

83. Salk, J. and Gori, J. B. --- A review of theoretical, experimental, and practical considerations in the use of formaldehyde for the inactivation of poliovirus. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 83(4): 609-37, 1960.

84. Salk, J. --- Persistence of immunity after administration of formalin-treated poliovirus vaccine. Lancet ii: 715-23, 1960.

90. Salk, J. --- Polio immunization and the herd effect. Zentrlbl. Bakteriol. Abst. 1, Orig. 191: 68-83, 1963.

97. Salk, J. and Salk, D. --- Control of influenza and poliomyelitis with killed virus vaccines. Science 195(4281): 834-47, 1977.

99. Salk, J., Cohen, H., Fillastre, C., Stoeckel, P., Rey, J.- L., Schlumberger, M., Nicolas, A., van Steenis, G., van Wezel, A. L., Triau, R., Saliou, P., Barry, L. F., Moreau, J.-P., and Merieux, C. --- Killed poliovirus antigen titration in humans. Dev. Biol. Stand. 41: 119-32, 1978.

115. Salk, J., Stoeckel, P., van Wezel, A. L., Lapinleimu, K., and van Steenis, G. --- Antigen content of inactivated poliovirus vaccine for use in a one- or two-dose regimen. Ann. Clin. Res. 14(5-6): 204-12, 1982.

120. Salk, J. --- The virus of poliomyelitis: from discovery to extinction. JAMA 250(6): 808-10, 1983.

122. Salk, D. and Salk, J. --- Vaccinology of poliomyelitis. Vaccine 2(1): 59-74, 1984.

123. Salk, J. --- One-dose immunization against paralytic poliomyelitis using a noninfectious vaccine. Rev. Infect. Dis. 6(suppl. 2): S444-50, 1984.

126. Salk, D., van Wezel A. L., and Salk, J. --- Induction of long-term immunity to paralytic poliomyelitis by use of non-infectious vaccine. Lancet II(8415): 1317-21, 1984.

145. Swartz, T.A., Handsher, R., Stoeckel, P., Drucker, J., Caudrelier, P., van Wezel, A.L., Cohen, H., Salk, D. and Salk, J. --- Immunologic memory induced at birth by immunization with inactivated polio vaccine in a reduced schedule. Eur. J. Epidemiol. 5(2):143-145, 1989.

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Copyright © 2000 Darrell Salk

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